Risk Impact Scoring

Validate every decision

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Risk-adjust your priorities. Easily gather the context you need for any risk mitigation or asset upgrade decision without the manual effort that lags critical decision-making windows. Automatically simulate every scenario you need to worry about to identify your best intervention actions. Execute network-wide cost-benefit analyses to clear blockers and make the right decisions faster.

  • Evaluate risk likelihood, consequence, and cost through a consistent, data-driven lens. Automated, context-rich cost-benefit analyses pave the way to better reliability, resilience, and safety outcomes.
  • Scale your best judgment across your entire network so you can allocate hard-won dollars and quickly navigate critical decisions with confidence every time.
  • Quantify and justify decisions with ease so you can adopt a more proactive lens into the future.

Hard data, not assumptions, to justify the right investment decisions

Score every risk in your network by likelihood — even the ones you can’t see

You can only assess the likelihood of the risks you know about. Piecemeal network inspections can over-index on a small universe of known risks while bigger, more imminent risks go undetected elsewhere in your network. Flag risks across your entire network so you can score every one — whether or not it’s in the scope of any single field visit or visible to the naked eye. Diagnose asset risks not simply as they exist today but based on how they will fare under conditions from powerful storms to heat waves. Simulating key variables means you can make critical “what-ifs” an integral part of every risk assessment.

Put your priorities in the right place

Two same-aged poles on equal voltage lines are overloaded at 112% — which one do you address first? How do you know which one will cause more damage if they both fail? Continually assesses risk impact like your most detail-oriented analyst, reflecting every asset’s exact physical context and configuration. Consider factors from high-traffic intersection proximity to elevation geometry and nearby bodies of water that can mark the difference between a hiccup and havoc.

Fast-forward to your best intervention option

What if you knew exactly which poles to replace to drive an improvement in SAIDI/SAIFI instead of just keeping to this year's replacement cycle ? Easily navigate cost-benefit trade-offs for every risk and fast-forward to your best intervention option. Automatically simulate multiple intervention options fast enough to land on the winner within the required timeframe, saving costs and red tape.

Which pole failures will cause the most downstream outages?

Where are high-traffic equipment ignition risks?

Where are roadside conductor-sag risks?

Which assets need your attention?

Learn how to find out, fast.
