Digital Line Rating
Right-size your network capacity with certainty, not assumptions
Get the most out of your existing assets by shedding the constraints of blanket assumptions. Digitally re-rate every span in your network based on automatically calculated, granular criteria, including physical asset characteristics, clearance thresholds, and weather stimuli, to determine with certainty what you can achieve using your existing assets — without setting foot in the field. Your AI-assisted digital network model is your roadmap for safely expanding network capacity, improving SAIDI/SAIFI, and showing that you’ve left no stone unturned to improve reliability.
You know not all spans are created equal. Now you can optimize carrying capacity span-by-span in a digital environment that gives you the tools to make sure you’re getting what you need from every line in your network. The digital model offers a detailed, context-rich view that shows you what weather conditions and physical equipment characteristics would help you reach target individual line ratings. Then, zoom out to evaluate how span-by-span tweaks build up to network-wide capacity expansion and set realistic goals, faster and more precisely than you can in the field or with first-generation software tools.
You know today’s weather conditions aren’t the only thing driving your line carrying capacity. So don’t stop at streaming weather data or sensor inputs to size up how much more headroom you have. Simulate actual line temperature on every span by incorporating other key variables such as conductor type, even on lines without sensors. Your digital network model paints the full picture of what’s possible so you can pursue capacity expansion projects with certainty. Test-drive powerful tweaks, small and large, from reconductoring to enhanced vegetation management, that can drive significant impact in your digital model. This way, you can evaluate the impact before making the investment and bringing your team’s best ideas to life in the field.
Healthy, efficiently configured assets support more carrying capacity, and lesser assets compromise it — overloaded poles, undertensioned lines, and ill-suited conductor types. Target the root physical causes of carrying capacity limitations so you can make the most of headroom tailwinds from cooler temperatures and breezes. Leave no stone unturned and assess every pole and wire’s impact on network productivity and evaluate asset upgrades by how much incremental throughput they can unlock. Set the record straight on your assets’ capabilities and the load that you can support.
Thoroughly understand and rank order all of the levers you can pull to increase network capacity using your existing assets. Simulate network upgrades like pole replacements, reconductoring, and enhanced vegetation management in the context of heat waves, cold snaps, and more to chart a custom course to significant, cost-effective capacity expansion and make the most of hardware investments like sensors. Explore every possibility in your flexible digital environment to surface winning options and invest in the right upgrades so you and your network can meet the demands of today and tomorrow.
Learn how to find out, fast.