Neara: Climate & Weather Resilience


Neara: Climate & Weather Resilience

What if you could see how power lines sway in high winds before the winds occur? What if you could see how a hypothetical flood or wildfire will threaten your grid assets? With Neara, you can simulate and prepare for extreme weather and natural disasters before they happen. Start by setting-up an extreme weather simulation, and assessing the points of likely failure. Neara can simulate the effects of environmental conditions – like high-winds, extreme temperature variations, ice and snow build-up, flood inundation, wildfires, and more – at a network-wide level. Once you understand how assets will behave during extreme events, prioritize which assets should be hardened or replaced. With Neara’s next-generation digital twin technology, and AI and machine learning data-driven insights, utilities can focus on where the risk is, or will be, during extreme events.

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