Forecast and Backcast Resilience

Your roadmap for an airtight resilience plan

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Forecast exactly how every asset in your network will respond to everything from heat waves to hurricanes and hail storms. Improve resilience by pinpointing high-impact upgrades at the individual asset level. Then, backcast performance improvements to map every dollar of investment to improved reliability. Neara’s model does the math for you so you can leave no scenario unexplored and build fast consensus for your approach.

  • Simulate how severe weather events will impact your assets so you know where your network is most vulnerable and can prioritize the right upgrades.
  • Quantify resilience improvements at the individual asset level, based on metrics such as pole lean and cable clash rates, and translate them to system-wide outcomes such as improved SAIDI/SAIFI.
  • Automate ROI analyses across pre- and post-improvement states by backcasting upgrade impacts to forecast, deliver, and measure resilience improvements and validate key decision-making.

Connect the dots between every dollar and improved resilience.

Generate a fast recovery strategy for any scenario

Generate a fast-tracked recovery roadmap at a moment’s notice, no matter what’s on the horizon. Bring dangerous conditions to life in Neara’s digital network model before they become your reality so you can see exactly which poles, conductors, and vegetation need your attention. Prioritize hyper-targeted upgrades and translate improved individual asset health metrics like conductor creep, line tension, and pole loading to system-wide outcomes like improved SAIDI/SAIFI and reduced safety incidents. Proactively avoid incidents and recover faster.

Mobilize restoration and repair crews faster

Between broadband joint use and expanding carrying capacity, there are more reasons than ever to maximize pole utilization — but the consequences of going too far can be catastrophic. Your network model helps you find the ideal pole load so that your efficiency never becomes the enemy of reliability or safety. Stress-test every pole in your network against hundreds of mechanical and environmental variables to find the right loading formula that supports network productivity without risking failure.

Validate every asset upgrade

Graduate from cyclical, broad-stroke asset reinforcement, repair, and replacement cycles that waste money and gloss over serious performance impediments. Predict precisely which assets require attention based on an MRI-like individual asset health diagnosis and the network conditions you operate in — faster and with more accuracy than you can see with just manual field surveys. Justify every equipment upgrade with automatic simulations that show how your “pre” state assets would fare in extreme weather conditions vs. their strengthened “post” state.

Demonstrate how every O&M line item improves resilience

Take charge of problematic vegetation before severe weather and keep your assets safe and online. Simulating extreme weather conditions in Neara’s digital network model allows you to forecast network-wide impacts and make sure your team is empowered to remove as many risks as possible — even those outside of ROW. Easily navigate otherwise thorny ROW issues armed with hard data about community risk and automatically run pre- and post-maintenance scenarios to prove that your actions resulted in improved reliability and resilience.

Where do I need composite poles?

Where is non-ROW vegetation likely to cause wire-downs in high winds?

Where will floodwaters recede fastest?

Which assets need your attention?

Learn how to find out, fast.
