We are asking the grid to do more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50

  • 74 %

    severe weather related power outages
    over prior decade

  • >2 x

    peak demand

  • <1 k

    miles of new transmission

  • 2 x


Utilities are moving from legacy
reactive mode

800 %

2013 - 2018 $2.5 bn
2018 - 2023 $22.5 bn

increase in US utility fines & violations in the last five year period

30 %

of electric utilities
are embracing AI to improve network monitoring and governance

…to the proactive operations
that today and tomorrow demand

Secure the resources your network needs and easily justify costs

Maximize reliability and resilience while minimizing the impact on ratepayers

Drive better,
faster decisions and measure outcomes

Global utilities trust Neara to keep their networks safe from fires, floods, and more.

From legacy
reactive mode …

  • Manual, piecemeal surveys
  • As-surveyed
  • Guesstimation
  • Point solutions
  • Lagging indicators

…to proactive
network governance

  • Automatic, network-wide surveys
  • Simulate any conditions
  • Quantification
  • Unified view of all downstream intersection points
  • Leading indicators
  • Eliminate

    000 s

    of field visits

  • Restore power

    3 x


  • Expand network capacity

    2 x

    using existing assets

Talk to us to learn more

Global utilities trust Neara’s 3D digital modeling software to drive critical proactive decisions

From routine operations to emergency scenarios and seven figure grid hardening investments — without verification from manual field surveys.

Conduct precise analyses in hours and days that would take months or years in the field.

As seen in

Sources: US Department of Energy, NERC Long Term Reliability Assessment, Grid Strategies, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, NERC Long Term Reliability Assessment, Bottoms-up analysis of sample of large US IOUs based on public filings, IBM
