
Neara helps identify clearances for vegetation management

The Vegetation Management Playbook

A battle-tested approach to risk-based inspections that improve SAIDI/SAIFI, reduce wildfire risk and put you back in control of a constantly shifting environment.

The Hurricane Management Playbook

Hurricanes are among the most widespread, catastrophic weather phenomena that nature can unleash. And when utilities aren’t prepared, the consequences can be deadly.

The Flood Management Playbook

Keeping safety and reliability standards above water

Case Study: Weather – Endeavour Energy

As a flood emergency unfolded, the utility approached Neara for an urgent solution to diagnose and minimize the flood’s impact on customers, communities and network health.

Utility Magazine: Embracing technology to safeguard citizens in extreme weather events

In response to the devastating 2022–23 River Murray flooding crisis, SAPN dramatically transformed its flood response with Neara.

News 10: South Australian Power Networks Utilizing Neara’s Network Modeling

SA Power Networks used our AI-powered modeling capabilities to bring power line regeneration times down from from three weeks to just five days.

Endeavour Energy wins Energy Networks Australia 2022 Industry Innovation Award

Delivered in partnership with leading software developer Neara, the digital twin has revolutionized Endeavour Energy’s response to critical emergency events.

Mitigate Flood Risk with a Digital Twin

For power utilities, digital twins can now create a 3-D model of the network to optimize investments, identify and mitigate risk, and streamline operations.

Hurricane Preparedness Utilizing a 3D Digital Twin

Neara’s platform delivers an end-to-end workflow for hurricane preparedness for utility companies.

Neara: Climate & Weather Resilience

With Neara’s next-generation digital twin technology and AI / machine learning based insights, utilities can focus on where the risk is, or will be, during extreme events.

Mitigating Risks for Hurricane Season

The frequency of storms is rising and utilities are on the frontlines of their devastating impacts to critical infrastructure.

Flood Analysis and Emergency Response

Producing network damage analysis and reporting in the midst of a flood emergency.

Post-storm GIS Correction

Accelerate and enhance corrective maintenance programs through the automation of asset data capture.

Strengthen your network in weeks

Schedule a demo today, and gather the insights you need.

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